Purchasing of single, smallest and small series castings
- You have a relatively small purchasing volume in castings, your demand is unattractive for many foundries, and at the same time you are under huge price pressure to reduce the costs of your products? Just ask us – we know which suppliers can produce small series and one-off pieces at competitive prices.
- We offer both rough castings as well as castings with final machining.
- We can tell you, which foundries specialize on castings of your type and which of those foundries are especially competitive. Our main focus is foundries in Europe, China and India. As we are neither linked to any foundry nor to any foundry association, we can provide you with completely independent consulting on these issues.
Establishing of casting sourcing strategy
- We support your company to establish solid and robust casting procurement strategy.
- We support you to identify suitable suppliers for your range of castings on the world-wide market. We are not connected to neither foundry nor to any foundrymen association and thus we are able to provide completely independent support in supplier selection process.
- Especially today, when China closes 10.000 of its low-cost, inefficient and air-polluting foundries, which will result in tectonic change of the prices for castings, it is imperative to know which foundry can be a reliable and sustainable supplier for your castings in the years to come…
Design Phase of Castings Development
- We provide support in the design phase of your castings. We give recommendations on the cost-optimized design of castings, so that you can lower your spend and improve quality and delivery performance of your casting suppliers.
Training for Casting Buyers and Designers
- We offer training for designers of castings and for buyers of castings with a focus on your castings. This is a unique in this field, as most trainings on metal castings are done on general technology, and engineers and casting buyers usually become more perplexed after such general trainings than before. We, on the contrary, firstly carefully study your drawings and specifications, and only after understanding your casting demand we prepare a suitable training session.
We organize seminars on following topics:
- World-wide foundry market: numbers, trends, technological developments.
- Purchasings metal castings in Western Europe: strengths and weaknesses of main producing countries.
- In-depth analysis of low-cost sourcing regions for metal castings, incl. China, India, Eastern Europe.
- Pitfalls in purchasing casings in the low-cost countries.
- Understanding casting processes: simple, but yet profound discussion of strengths and weaknesses of different manufacturing processes for castings.
- Castings alloys: Overview of the family of metal casting alloys and examples of parts made from those alloys.
Support in Price Negotiations
- We provide support in the preparation phase for the price negotiations as well as during the negotiations. After working for years in purchasing of castings, we know all arguments and counter-arguments given by founders and casting buyers. Deep understanding of the cost structure of the foundries helps to identify cost factors of the foundry. This knowledge helps to avoid emotional negotiations, and to discuss based on dry numbers and facts.
Independent Supplier Audits and Quality Reviews
- We conduct independent supplier audits, where we help you to identify ineffiencies in the production chain of your casting supplier and to reduce lead times and improve the cost basis.